Hire and grow at scale with automated HR documents

Say goodbye to manual paperwork and hello to streamlined processes. Generate documents, collect eSignatures using mobile friendly forms or data from existing HRMS.
No credit card required
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Instantly draft and sign all employee documents "from hire to retire"

Let anyone in your team to create the documents

Increase efficiency and agility in your organisation by letting anyone in your team to create their documents. Made possible using smart templates and mobile friendly forms.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Easily collect eSignatures

Generate tamper-proof documents with legally compliant eSignatures and comprehensive audit trails. Collect eSignatures from any employee, and or other stakeholders in your organisation.

Access ready-to-use templates

Get access to ready-to-use templates available for you to use in your HR workflows. Customise any template as per your need and start using in your organisation!
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Organise your documents in one place

Keep all employee documents organised in one central location with Crove, eliminating the hassle of manual filing and enabling quick retrieval for improved HR management and record-keeping.

Integrate with tools you already use

Connect your tools, connect your teams. With over 5,000+ apps already available in our directory, your team’s favourite tools are just a click away.
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"Crove transformed HR processes at RED. Recruitment by saving time, signing more clients, and making documents exciting"

Andrea Fonsmorti
International Director of Sales

Join 10,000+ companies using Crove

Start your 14-day free trial today.